

Password hashing utility in Java. It can hash passwords with PBKDF2 hmac SHA1/SHA256/SHA512, BCRYPT, or SCRYPT, and it salts automatically and has a pepper option.

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v1.1.0 - 17 Jun 2017 - Deprecated


This version v1.1.0 is deprecated. Please update to the latest version here. This documentation is available as-is, without warranty, or any guarantee that it works correctly.

Getting Started

Add to your project using Maven, Gradle, or download the jar directly.




repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.amdelamar:jhash:v1.1.0'


String password = "Hello World!";

// salt + hash a password. (pbkdf2 hmac sha1)
String hash = Hash.create(password);
// Example: pbkdf2sha1:64000:18:n:LZXY631xphycV5kaJ2WY0RRDqSfwiZ6L:uOw06jt6FvimXSxEJipYYHsQ

// Save the enitre hash somewhere safe...

// Verify Login
if(Hash.verify(password, correctHash)) {
    // Passwords match. Login successful!

More Options:

// pbkdf2 hmac sha512 + salt
String hash = Hash.create(password, Type.PBKDF2_SHA512);
// Returns: pbkdf2sha512:64000:18:n:EbroMczUKuBRx5sy+hgFQyHmqk2iNtt5:Ml8pGxc3pYoh1z5fkk5rfjM9

// pbkdf2 hmac sha256 + salt + pepper
String hash = Hash.create(password, pepper, Type.PBKDF2_SHA256);
// Returns: pbkdf2sha256:64000:18:y:J84o+zGuJebtj99FiAMk9pminEBmoEIm:4hoNRxgrn79lxujYIrNUXQd1

// pbkdf2 hmac sha512 + salt + pepper
String hash = Hash.create(password, pepper, Type.PBKDF2_SHA512);
// Returns: pbkdf2sha512:64000:18:y:v+tqRNA5B4cAxbZ4aUId/hvrR+FlS1d8:/R851fqvd7HItsSr0vJEupBf

// bcrypt + salt
String hash = Hash.create(password, Type.BCRYPT);
// Example: bcrypt:13:66:n::$2a$10$YQ9urAM3RKuDtl1XaF99HrdpoIlB6ZhfaGR1T4yS4jlfMSPyeXehE.0Dway

// bcrypt + salt + pepper
String hash = Hash.create(password, pepper, Type.BCRYPT);
// Example: bcrypt:13:66:y::$2a$10$UlxpnyYwYmmlLgl7YVGonN9H74ffEttiD1O2uMy8q5Y7YgJc8.YsRa3yOM6

// scrypt + salt
String hash = Hash.create(password, Type.SCRYPT);
// Example: scrypt:16384:79:n::$s0$e0801$+nNFxTV9IHyN0cPKn/ORDA==$uPrBpPBQm7GgX+Vcc/8zuFNJZ+8XqDMylpLrOjv6X8w=

// scrypt + salt + pepper
String hash = Hash.create(password, pepper, Type.SCRYPT);
// Example: scrypt:16384:79:y::$s0$e0801$iHSTF05OtGCb3BiaFTZ3BA==$QANWx2qBzMzONIQEXUJTWnNX+3wynikSkGJdO9QvOx8=

// scrypt + salt + pepper + super high cost
String hash = Hash.create(password, pepper, Type.SCRYPT, 1048576);
// Example: scrypt:16384:79:y::$s0$e0801$iHSTF05OtGCb3BiaFTZ3BA==$QANWx2qBzMzONIQEXUJTWnNX+3wynikSkGJdO9QvOx8=

Now verify the passwords match. Even if you use a stronger algorithm and increase the iterations, you don't need to provide that information when you verify() because the hash output has those values already.

// Verify Login
if(Hash.verify(password, correctHash)) {
    // Passwords match. Login successful!

Hash Format

The hash format is six fields separated by the colon (':') character.



  • algorithm is the name of the cryptographic hash function.
  • iterations parameter for the function. PBKDF2 number of iterations (64000), BCRYPT number of logrounds (213), SCRYPT cpu/mem cost (131072).
  • hashSize the byte length of the hash.
  • pepper is an indicator that a pepper was used ("y" or "n").
  • salt is the salt. (BCRYPT and SCRYPT salt is embeded in the hash).
  • hash is the hashed password.

Options and Considerations

PBKDF2 Options

You have three options with PBKDF2 hmac: SHA1, SHA256, or SHA512. Test each before you try them, because not all JVM's support the newer hashing methods. Java 8 added support for PBKDF2 with SHA512 in 2014.

The default iterations = 64,000 but feel free to increase up to 200,000 depending on your server and cpu cost you want. Run some preliminary tests to find out if hashes are too quick. You'll want at least 0.5 seconds per hash and no faster.

BCrypt Options

The default logrounds = 13 but feel free to increase up to 20 depending on the cpu cost you want. Again, run some preliminary tests to find out if hashes are too quick. Here is a quick estimate:

  • 12 = About ~250 ms each hash.
  • 13 = About ~500 ms each hash. default
  • 14 = About ~1 second each hash.
  • 15 = About ~2 seconds each hash.
  • 16 = About ~4.5 seconds each hash.

Also note that BCrypt has a password limit of 72 characters (18 32-bit words). Be sure to truncate before hashing. Its a limitiation of the Blowfish cipher.

SCrypt Options

The default cost = 131072 (217) but you can increase this too. Again, run some preliminary tests to find out if the hashes are computed too quickly. Here is a quick estimate:

  • 16384 (215) = About ~100 ms each hash.
  • 131072 (217) = About ~800 ms each hash default
  • 262144 (218) = About ~2 seconds each hash.
  • 1048576 (220) = About ~5 seconds each hash.


By default, if you just call Hash.create(pwd) it uses PBKDF2 hmac SHA1 with 24 bytes (192 bits) of securely random salt and outputs 18 bytes (144 bits). 144 bits was chosen because it is (1) Less than SHA1's 160-bit output (to avoid unnecessary PBKDF2 overhead), and (2) A multiple of 6 bits, so that the base64 encoding is optimal. PBKDF2 hmac SHA1 was chosen for the default mainly for the most compatibility across Java implementations. Although SHA1 has been cryptographically broken as a collision-resistant function, it is still perfectly safe for password storage with PBKDF2. Its my recommendation though to use algorithms like BCRYPT and SCRYPT. As they are 'memory hard', meaning that they don't just need a lot of CPU power to compute, they also require a lot of memory (unlike PBKDF2). This makes them better against brute-force attacks.


A project by Austin Delamar based off of Talor Hornby, Damien Miller, and Will Grozer's work and other contributors.

If you'd like to contribute, feel free to fork and make changes, then open a pull request to master branch.


Jhash is licensed as MIT

PBKDF2 is licensed as BSD-2-Clause

BCRYPT is licensed as ISC

SCRYPT is licensed as Apache-2.0